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Social Justice, Anti-Racism, Cultural Mis-attunement Resources

Below you will find resources for addressing this topic. There are links and people that have been referenced in USABP circles. You can also reach out to our member organizations as well. Please email us with any of your suggestions. The list and site presence will build out over time. Thank you all for your contributions.


Member Organizations often include webinars, workshops or specialize in training activity to address social justice, anti-racism, diversity, systemic racism, implicit bias, polarization and more.

See a list of our organizations and the ways in which they assist in this issue through Somatic Psychology, Body Psychotherapy and other Somatic-based Therapy Practices


Radical Aliveness Institute is a USABP Official Training School addressing somatic and systemic issues world wide from US to Central and South America to Africa and the Middle East.


A List of Member Organizations' Helpful Resources

NARM & Cultural Misattunement Webinar: Addressing the Impact of Cultural Trauma from Systemic Oppression with NARM Therapist Claude Cayemitte, MSW, CCTP hosted by NARM Training Director and Senior Faculty Brad Kammer, LMFT, LPCC


Two podcasts brought to you by the NARM® Training Institute

Transforming Trauma, Episode 013: 
Addressing Systemic, Cultural, Racial, and Complex Trauma with Claude Cayemitte


Transforming Trauma Episode 015: 
Post-Traumatic Growth in Communities of Color and NARM in the Classroom with Giancarlo Simpson


Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Solidarity and Action for Justice:
Here you will find: Scholarship, Addressing racism and implicit bias on a personal level and in psychotherapy practice (book chapter excerpt), Addressing White Privilege in a Session (Video), Getting context for sociocultural perspectives and much more.

Get Access


> To view one has to be a member and logged in to there account. 

Working with Polarization and Trauma in Groups:  how to work cross-culturally and cross-nationally
Presented by Ann Bradney, CCEP, CPRA  (Founder of the Radical Aliveness Institute) 


Embodied Activism: Getting a Grip on Social Justice and Moral Courage in Somatic Psychotherapy 
Presented by Rae Johnson, PhD, RSW, RSMT, BCC 


A Thousand Paper Cuts - Grasping and Transforming the Trauma of Embodied Micro-aggressions 
Presented by Rae Johnson, PhD, RSW, RSMT, BCC 


Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychology with Underserved Populations
Presented by Rebecca Lincoln, LPC-S, Certified Hakomi Teacher



Privileges and Perils of Power
By Dr. Cedar Barstow, M.Ed., C.H.T., D.P.I.

Power, simply the ability to have an effect or to have influence, is a magnetic, addictive, and corrupting force. Research shows that taking on higher role power or having higher rank power inevitably changes you. You are given gifts, actually privileges, from the outside world that change how you see yourself, how you see and relate to others, and how they see and relate to you. The greater the power difference the greater the effect. These privileges change you whether your intentions are for service or for selfish gain.


Hakomi Mindfulness Exploration Concerning Marginalization
Presented by Rebecca Lincoln, LPC-S, Certified Hakomi Teacher

Are you a therapist in a setting working with underserved populations? Use this mindfulness exercise and contemplation for exploring marginalization and your and others' relationship to it. 



USABP Somatic Practitioners


Somatic Experiencing Practitioners specializing in matters related to the Criminal System


Directory, Organizations, Books, Trainings, Downloads and more 

Dr. Rae Johnson 
Embodied Social Justice introduces a body-centered approach to working with oppression, designed for social workers, counselors, educators, and other human service professionals. Grounded in current research, this integrative approach to social justice works directly with the implicit knowledge of our bodies to address imbalances in social power.

USABP Member Nola Butler-Byrd 
Nola Butler Byrd, Ph.D., LPCC is a Certified Radix Practitioner and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. She is also an Associate Professor and Director of the Community-Based Block Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Education Program

USABP Member Zeshan Mustafa, CCEP, JD, RYT 
Specialties with Somatic Support: 
BIPOC, Anti-Racist Activists, and Codependents.

Author of: 
"When Helping Is Not Helping: a Somatic Approach to Working with Clients of Color."  Read More & Buy

USABP Member Sean S. Baker  provided resources 
Sean Baker MFT, SEP is co-owner and CEO at The New Beginnings Center for Somatic Mental Health in Camarillo, California. He and his center, The New Beginnings Center, provide resources for standing against racial injustice including: 

Anti-Racism Resources Document to Share with Family and Friends
This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now. Feel free to circulate this document on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues. 


Me and White Supremacy: A 28-Day Challenge to Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
by Layla Saad

Thousands of people from around the world were galvanized by the #meandwhitesupremacy challenge, examining and owning responsibility for the ways in which they uphold white supremacy. Over 80,000 people downloaded her guide to the movement, Me and White Supremacy Workbook in the space of just six months. And now, that guide is a published book. 

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism 
by Robin J. DiAngelo

The New York Times best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality. 

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
An insightful article on the Medium platform which outlines helpful steps that each person can take to steer our lives and our world toward racial justice. 

Get Links to Above Resources

Showing Up for Racial Justice: Reflections and Resources for this moment with Nicolette Walker & Jonathan Horton

An introduction to the organization, Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), sharing of resources for anyone new to social justice work and addressing “white supremacy culture.”


USABP Member Francesca Maximé talks with Serge Prengel on Relational Implicit about how to find mindful, embodied responses to racialization and racism.



Right Use of Power Institute 

White Supremacy and Me by Layla F Saad

National Association of Social Workers Anti-Racism Resources

Blindspot by Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald

Center for Partnership Studies, founded by Dr. Riane Eisler

Take the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to Measure Your Bias:

Test me


At the heart of the book Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People is a method called the Implicit Association Test (IAT) which was designed by Tony Greenwald to detect the hidden contents of the mind. Its original application was to explore the group-based preferences, stereotype, and identities that may not be accessible to conscious awareness. Since then, it has been used widely to study preferences, beliefs, and identity, and found applications in domains of health, education, business, government, the law and law enforcement. The test is currently available at 39 country sites, in 25 languages.

Free Racialized Trauma Course 

Google Drive link to comprehensive educational reading, tools, exercises and organizations to help explore this topic from many sources.

Take me to these links

Engaged Citizenry

Andrew Goodman Foundation


BU Center for Anti-racism Research

Featured Body Psychotherapists, Speakers, Authors and Trainers

Resmaa Menakem 
Coins the phrase White "Body" Supremacy and has exercises for one to work through to embodying trauma and work with issues around race and trauma. "We can't help ourselves to heal racialized trauma if we don't acknowledge that it even exists." 

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP, has appeared on both The Oprah Winfrey Show and Dr. Phil as an expert on conflict and violence.

He has served as director of counseling services for the Tubman Family Alliance; as behavioral health director for African American Family Services in Minneapolis; as a domestic violence counselor for Wilder Foundation; as a certified Military and Family Life Consultant for the U.S. Armed Forces; as a trauma consultant for the Minneapolis Public Schools; and as a Cultural Somatics consultant for the Minneapolis Police Department.

Check out all the ways to learn and grow in your profession. 

The USABP is pleased to bring together many institution and training centers guided by one code of ethics and standard that benefits you and the industry. View our peer reviewed publication and other journals. Check out our resources that might help you along with our forums and blogs. Member research and dissertation are also available. Scroll now and get started.

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Institutional membership classification is granted to institutions, such as schools, training centers, organizations, or clinics, that are related to the field of body psychotherapy and support the mission and goals of the USABP.

International Body Psychotherapy Journal

It is peer reviewed by members of both associations, with experts from related fields.


Get your body psychotherapy and somatic psychology basics understood. We have laid out for you insights briefs about important topics related to this industry, the breadth of the work and how it is applied in practice. Enjoy these articles and build on them.

membership has its advantages

 The United States Association for Body Psychotherapy was founded in 1996 as an umbrella organization for the emerging profession of body psychotherapy. Our dual mission is to advance the field of somatic psychology and to assist our members in getting their work out into the world. Thus we represent not just individual members like you but also various institutional organizations as we advocate for our field on a national stage. And we nurture promising students through their education, training and licensing .

individual membership

USABP has five types of individual membership:  Clinical, Practitioner, Associate, Student, andAffiliate

Please click below to link to descriptions of each to determine which is the proper one for you. Contact Us for help with questions you might have.

Check out some of our benefits too.

institutional membership

Institutional membership classification is granted to institutions, such as schools, training centers, organizations, or clinics, that are related to the field of body psychotherapy and support the mission and goals of the USABP. We have two membership types.

Get the details for Senior/Parent Institute Membership or Training Resources Membership 

student membership

Student Membership is for those who are enrolled full-time in a degree-granting or certification program (minimum of three years in length) in somatic psychology or related to somatic psychology. Student membership is limited to no more than 4 years. 

Contact Us for help with questions you might have. Check out some of our benefits too.

What is Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology?

Body-oriented or body-centered psychotherapy is an expansive, emerging, multi-faceted field that affirms the inseparability of mind, body, and spirit. It draws from somatic psychology which sees the mind revealed not only in relational styles, dreams, and cognitions, but in neurophysiology, posture, gestures, movement, bodily tensions and more. It explores the therapeutic possibilities of somatic roads to the unconscious and healing while honoring the wisdom of general psychology and psychotherapy through expanding and contributing to it. 

Body psychotherapy and somatic psychology are currently taught in a number of modality training programs and academic settings. Some of the ones you might recognize are: Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine) California Institute of Integral Studies; Hakomi (Ron Kurtz) Pacifica Graduate Institute; Focusing (Eugene Gendlin) Naropa University; Bioenergetic Analysis (Alexander Lowen) Prescott College.


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visit our site regulary.  wE report the latest research findings from members, map members for networking and therapy services, host live webinar demos and presentations from industry leaders and more.

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