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We are looking to expand our online services, content curation, training programs and educational opportunities, biennial conference and research efforts. Your financial contributions to forward our vision and mission is greatly appreciated. And beneficially impacts thousands.

Help Your Association Make More of An Impact in the Field of Mental Health!

What's New, What's Next, And What Needs to Happen

This one-hour series presents authors, speakers, and researchers who address the important topics of our times. We invite somatic colleagues who present solutions that support our shared flourishing and healing potential, who envision what is possible as we grow beyond divisions and polarized differences. 

Books, articles, trainings, and videos supporting the presentations will be referenced. 

Somatic movement and mindful body-awareness programs

The root of e-motion is “to move.” The same regions of the brain responsible for movement also carry out our cognitive processes. Our brain evolved from movement and still depends on it day to day. Join us to discover how conscious movement can bring nourishing restoration, playful community connection, and the understanding of how moving helps our thoughts, words, and actions.

Somatic tools may include, among others, breath, movement, self-directed touch, sound vibration, and conscious dialogue.


Would you to contribute to the USABP General Fund?  This fund helps USABP host its biennial congress, create more continuing education training programs, expand our digital services, provide more Viewpoints, and make significant improvements in delivering the International Body Psychotherapy Journal (peer reviewed) for all our members and the Mental Health Industry as a whole, and around the World!    

Scholarship Fund

Would you like to contribute to the USABP Scholarship Fund?  This fund helps low-income, high achieving minority students pursue post graduate training in clinical programs throughout the United States! 

Research Fund

Would you like to contribute to the USABP Research Fund?  This fund helps USABP fund invaluable research on body based psychotherapy at accredited Universities throughout the country.

All gifts are appreciated.
Many give in these increments $50  $100  $250  $500  $1,000  $2,500  $5,000  $10,000.
Give what you can. 
Contact for questions, further directed giving and any other individual assistance with your giving plans. 

Contribute Now and You'll be Helping Us Kick Off A New Round of Fundraising.
Place Your Donation Below.

Goal: $750.00
Collected: $660.00
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All levels of contributions make a difference. Thank you!

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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No part of this Web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. 

USABP is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to developing and advancing the art, science, and practice of Body Psychotherapy.

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