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Pulsation, Grounding and Presence

  • 18 May 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Pulsation, Grounding and Presence

Learn Somatic Theory and Technique for "Being in the World

May 18,19, & 20

9:00am - 4:30pm

For questions or to register email

Our pulsation, our flow of energy ~ emotions, spontaneous behavior, clear thinking ~ can all be disrupted by the events or circumstances in our lives, resulting in patterns of contracting our bodies that prevent us from connecting with others, from being realistic, and from achieving what we would like to in the world. Our goal is embodiment.

We will explore pulsation both in terms of our breath in-stroke and out-stroke, and in our ability to be fully embodied, in contact with and accepting of our internal experience (in-stroke) a well as well-oriented in reality, able to move out into the world, connect well with people, achieve our goals and carry our dreams to fruition (out-stroke).

This workshop is for people who work in a helping capacity with others to learn basic techniques to facilitate grounding and presence, and restore our energetic flow.

Learning objectives:

• Understand Contact and 'Contactlessness' both interpersonally and within the self

• Experience various aspects of grounding from a developmental perspective

• Promote grounding in the body to facilitate awareness and effectiveness

• Learn how to reduce anxiety with grounding techniques

• Describe how particular patterns of breathing, muscle tension and movement can influence a client's mood, emotional experience, expression and energetic regulation.

• Learn to use touch and movement to change established patterns of inhibiting one's experience

Who can benefit?

- Mental health practitioners interested in developing or refining a body-centered approach to their practice

- Body-workers wanting to explore the energetics of emotional health

- Anyone who wishes to deepen their own personal development through a body-centered modality.

Fees and Registration:

Early Registration until February 29, 2024.........US $600

March 1 - April 15, 2024 .......................................US $700

Late Registration after April 15, 2024 .................US $750 *

*This workshop is limited to 10 people. Registration is on a space-available basis.

For questions or to register email


Melissa Lindsay, PsyD, has been a Certified Radix Practitioner since 1995, and a trainer with The Radix Institute since 2008. She has a Master of Counseling degree with a humanistic orientation, Certification in Gestalt Therapy, a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology, and additional training in a variety of modalities. Melissa has maintained a private practice in Hawaii since 1985, working from a body-centered orientation with a broad range of issues, and specializing in working with adults who have experienced trauma.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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