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A Process Model Reading Group Chapters V - VI with Rob Parker

  • 10 Jan 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Online using Zoom – Live and Recorded

A Process Model Reading Group:

Chapters V - VI with Rob Parker

Rob Parker studied philosophy with Gene Gendlin for several hours a week from 2003 until Gene's passing in 2017. Rob has been leading A Process Model (APM) reading groups for many years and we are delighted that Rob has now teamed up with the Institute to offer them.


Presented by The International Focusing Institute

January 10 to June 26, 2024 - 25 weekly meetings on Wednesdays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PT
Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: Sessions 1-13*: Regular price $470 Modified price $315 Lowest price $155

Sessions 14-25*: Regular price $470 Modified price $315 Lowest price $155

A Process Model

Having developed most of the basic Process Model concepts in chapters I – IV, Gendlin proceeds in chapters V and VI to develop basic concepts about life, including behavior, perception, and consciousness. As always, the concepts are both first-person and third-person (you can feel them in your own experience, and you can see them functioning in other people and in animals). Each concept is a direct referent, that is, it doesn’t define reality, rather it points to an experience that you can find in yourself, just as a handle points to a felt sense. If you learn the concepts well enough to find their experiential meaning, you will discover a new and vivid sense of your own life process, your body-environment interaction.

We’ll explore many concept-handles, for example stopped process, leafing, thrashing, stop-ons, and the open cycle. We will also understand and experience old concepts in new ways, for example evolution, imagination, space, and time.

The process model understanding of consciousness alone is worth the price of admission in Rob's opinion.

Rob Parker grew up in a scientific family, with a deep appreciation for the power and beauty of modern science. Rob was also interested in spirituality from an early age, and has practiced yoga and zazen for many years. And all along, he has sensed that science and spirituality must be related, because reality doesn’t come in separate packages.

These interests led to a career in psychology and to an interest in the philosophical assumptions that underlie psychology and modern science. Rob specialized in psychological trauma; he designed and directed several treatment programs for both trauma survivors and perpetrators, published and lectured for professional audiences and appeared on national media.

His experience as a psychologist made Rob acutely aware of the problems inherent in our current approach to science. In 2000, the search for a new scientific paradigm led him to visit Gene Gendlin, who had just retired from the University of Chicago and was living near Rob. Rob recognized in Gendlin’s work a revolutionary new way of exploring and understanding science, spirituality, meaning and the related issues of our time. Recognizing a once in a lifetime opportunity, Rob began weekly meetings with Gendlin from 2003 until his passing in 2017. This class is part of Rob’s ongoing commitment to understand and experience Gendlin’s philosophy ever more deeply (learning by teaching), and to share that understanding and experience with others.

Registration info: Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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