Presented by: Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP and Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT
Sun, Jul 23, 2023 & Sun, Jul 30, 2023
10:00 AM-6:00 PM PST
Online using Zoom – Live and recorded
$395 full price
$375 with full payment by June 13
Special price for interns
To register: Please visit the Schedule page at or use this link:
Register Here
13 CE credits available for California therapists – $40 fee (See website for details) CAMFT CE provider #134393
While no one has an easy time with shame, for many men it can be especially hard. Men often don't even realize that they feel shame. They may suddenly find themselves shouting or blaming someone else, or pulling away and stonewalling. They may find themselves depressed and isolated, without really knowing why.
In this workshop we explore the invisible shame in many men. You will learn how to countershame them and invite them to join you rather than fight you when shame is activated in the session. We offer tools and languaging that will move men into curiosity about the shame underlying thoughts and behaviors. When we get them onboard with recognizing and accepting that they have shame, as everyone does, we can help them take steps to explore and heal.
There is no prerequisite for this course.
For information:
Bret Lyon: 510-420-1441 /
Sheila Rubin: 415-820-3974 /
Please visit our website for free articles and webinars, our Sounds True podcast, details about our Sounds True audio learning series, and information about our complete training program in Healing Shame.
The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California – CAMFT-approved CE provider #134393. Courses meet the qualifications for hours of continuing education (CE) credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.