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Dismantling Dominance - an Interspecies Perspective

  • 24 Jan 2023
  • Online

January 24th, 2023. 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM MST

Applications of SE: Dismantling Dominance - an Interspecies Perspective with Paula Josa-Jones MA, CMA, SEP™, RSMET

Event Summary:

There is something profound about entering the mystery of connection with another species that has everything to do with the deep bodily alignment of relationship and what composer Pauline Oliveros calls Deep Listening. 

All living beings are an interconnected, bio-similar, cross-pollinating network in a constant flux of adjustment, response, and transformation. As we become more aware of this ongoing, improvisational movement matrix, we can begin to connect to the richness and permeability of our own bodily, animal selves. 

For the past 25 years, Paula has been learning to be a "movement speaker" with horses. Her intention has been to dismantle the usual dominance model of human/horse relationships, and to find a more improvisational, co-regulated, collaborative relationship with these extraordinary beings. 

In this workshop, we will explore embodied ways of dismantling the often unconscious, embedded architecture of hierarchical perspectives and behaviors. 

Learning Objectives:

- How horses are uniquely able to help humans

- Somatic listening in relationship to the Deep Listening practices of composer Pauline Oliveros

- Finding common ground with another species

- What co-embodying is

- Variation and improvisation in our movement and touch practices

Details & Registration

Register here:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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