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Integrating Trauma-Informed Yoga with Polyvagal Theory

  • 12 Feb 2023
  • Tucson

The CE course provides mental health and yoga therapy professionals with a clinical foundation for using trauma-sensitive yoga, integrated with polyvagal theory, to improve therapy outcomes for individuals with symptoms of psychological trauma, anxiety and depression.

> 23 CEs Approved for Social Workers, Yoga Therapists, and Yoga Instructors.

Presented by: Joann Lutz, MSW, LICSW, C-IAYT, E-RYT, Psychotherapist and Yoga Therapist.

EVENT DESCRIPTION:The course provides mental health and yoga therapy professionals with a clinical foundation for using trauma-sensitive yoga, integrated with polyvagal theory, to improve outcomes for individuals with symptoms of psychological trauma, anxiety and depression.

The training includes the study of both polyvagal theory and nervous-system-informed, trauma-sensitive yoga interventions, such as chair postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. The material will be taught through lecture, case discussions, experiential exercises, and practicums.

Details & Registration

See the course outline on Joann's website,

The methods presented in this workshop CAN BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY TREATMENT APPROACH. NO PRIOR YOGA EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (though it is helpful!)  

23 CEs Approved for Social Workers, Yoga Therapists, and Yoga Instructors

*Experience an in-depth exploration of Polyvagal Theory.

*Learn how yoga influences the vagus nerve and regulates the autonomic nervous system. 

*Develop the confidence and expertise to teach a nervous-system informed, trauma-sensitive chair yoga sequence, in an individual or group  session or class.

*Offer the benefits of the yogic 3-part deep breath and yoga nidra to your clients!

REVIEWS of Joann's class:

“You created an incredibly safe container in which we were able to learn and apply the material with eachother.”

K.B., Psychologist

"I really enjoyed the course. Your style of teaching worked really well for me... I really felt your passion for the subject. It was very apparent that this isn’t just something you teach, it’s something you live."

Melissa Lynum, Clinical Social Worker

Presenter Bio:Joann Lutz, psychotherapist and yoga therapist/teacher, is a pioneer in the application of trauma-sensitive yoga to mental health care. She developed and continues to teach the "Nervous System-Informed, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga" model of care (NITYA). Her book, "Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone," was published in  2021 by Handspring Publishers. She is the author of a NASW CE course, "Bringing Yoga into Social Work Practice," and the paper, "Classical Yoga Postures as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Autonomic Nervous System Regulation." published in "Proceedings of the Yoga and Psyche Conference, 2014," published by Cambridge Scholars. Her website is

FIRST DAY AND TIME OF EVENT:February 12, 2023 1:30-5:45 p.m.

LAST DAY AND TIME OF EVENT:February 16, 2023, 9 am-1:15 pm

Repeating Event:

Repeating Module:Is this a multi-day multi-module training?

Number of Days:5

Number of Modules: 5

Day 1 Event Date:February 12

Day 1 Event Start Time:1:30 p.m.

Day 1 Event End Time:5:45 p.m.

Day 2 Event Date:Feb. 13

Day 2 Event Start Time: 9 a.m.

Day 2 Event End Time:1:15 p.m.

Day 3 Event Date:Feb. 14

Day 3 Event Start Time: 9 a.m.

Day 3 Event End Time:1:15 p.m.

Day 4 Event Date:Feb. 15

Day 4 Event Start Time: 9 a.m.

Day 4 Event End Time:1:15 p.m.

Day 5 Event Date:Feb. 16

Day 5 Event Start Time:9 a.m.

Day 5 Event End Time:1:15 p.m.

There will be an additional hour of practicum with a partner Feb. 13-16.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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