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Engaging the Body in Psychotherapy: Contemporary Bioenergetic Analysis

  • 15 Nov 2022
  • 24 Jan 2023
  • online

Offered through the Academy of Therapy Wisdom.

Taught by Certified Bioenergetic Therapists and trainers:
Laurie Ure, LICSW, Vincentia Schroeter, Ph.D., and Robert Coffman, Ph.D.

Learn about the basic concepts and key techniques of modern bioenergetic analysis.

The course includes an extensive history of bioenergetic analysis, an overview of the concept of character structure, demonstrations of bioenergetic techniques, and a discussion of the bioenergetic view of developmental and shock trauma. It includes a discussion of how bioenergetic analysis has been updated to include advances in neuroscience, the understanding of trauma, and the significance of the therapeutic relationship.  It also includes twelve in-depth bonus tracks, including interviews of scientist Dr. Martin Picard on the nature of energy in the human body, David Berceli, Ph.D., founder of Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises, with two Brazilian bioenergetic therapists on colonialism and the body in bioenergetics, and author Jeff Brown on grounded spirituality.

Five prerecorded modules, five live (on Zoom) calls, plus three live (on Zoom) practice sessions. Live calls on Tuesdays, 9 AM - 10:30 AM PST. Live call dates: Nov 15, Dec 6, Jan 3, 17, 31.

Practice sessions: Dec 13, Jan 10, Jan 24. Live calls will be recorded to watch later if you miss them.

13 CEs approved for social workers by the National Association of Social Workers.


To register, go to:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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