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Focusing Miracles: Realizing Awe In The Everyday

  • 26 Feb 2022
  • Offline

Following the Felt Sense often leads to a quality of contentment. . . and maybe even delight.

Gendlin teaches that we are one interaction, and he has shown that we may understand this principle in an embodied way. If we attend to the ‘outer’ world as a Focusing partner, as both a Listener and fellow Focuser, the reality of our one interaction becomes increasingly apparent. This Focusing Highlight explores the interplay between the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ worlds.

Presented by The International Focusing Institute - Aston K McCullough

February 26, 2022

Gendlin teaches that we are one interaction, and he has shown that we may understand this principle in an embodied way. That we are one interaction illuminates that all things are simultaneously co-creating reality; one can experience this quality of creativity directly within one’s ‘body’ while Focusing. With intent, Focusing affords the practitioner a reliable method for realizing awe in the everyday, especially when choices are made while in touch with the Felt Sense.

If we attend to the ‘outer’ world as a Focusing partner, as both a Listener and fellow Focuser, the reality of our one interaction becomes increasingly apparent. On one end, the ‘outer’ world (a fluctuating environmental and relational tapestry) may offer stimuli that impact our ‘inner’ world (an active and embodied imaginal landscape). On the other end, the practice of Focusing leads to shifts in our ‘inner’ world that affect what is realized (or becomes apparent) in our ‘outer’ world.

This Focusing Highlight explores the interplay between the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ worlds. To do this, we will:

Engage experientially in a guided process of using everyday objects to resonate with the Felt Sense

Practice a method for carrying the essence of a Felt Shift into everyday situations

Reflect on how ‘inner’ experiences of a Felt Shift may lead to realizing miracles in our world

This Highlight is intended for those already familiar with Focusing though all are welcome to attend. Participants will be invited to share, ask questions, and be part of a demonstration.

Aston K McCullough, PhD, MS, MA (Certified Focusing Trainer, The International Focusing Institute) is a life scientist, biometrician, and dancer. As a Focuser, McCullough is attuned to embodied images, kinesthetic resonance, and synchronicity. McCullough teaches Focusing with attention to poetic imagination and kinesthetic awareness within group workshops and as a Focusing Guide in 1:1 sessions.


Saturday, February 26, 2022 from 11:00 am PST - 1:00 pm PST

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: This live online class is pay-what-you-can. The suggested payment for US residents is $30.

Registration: Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email:

Registration link:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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