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Radical Adaptability: Coping with Change while Increasing Vitality

  • 18 Sep 2021

RADICAL ADAPTABILITY: Coping with Change while Increasing Vitality

An Introduction to the Basic Theory & Techniques of Bioenergetic Analysis

Sat, Sept 18, 6:00 AM - 9:15 AM Pacific Time

$10 registration fee, Application submitted for 3 CEs for Social Workers

Register at:

Change, change, change! How do we bring our best selves to a world that can become unfamiliar overnight?

Introducing Radical Adaptability, a three-hour online workshop. Come to experience a set of skills that can help you live fully even in radically changing circumstances.

This fun, experiential program will introduce you to the skills you need to regulate your nervous system and restore optimal well-being. By living fully in your own body, you can find the energetic stability and emotional richness that comes with being yourself, all the time, even in periods of great unanticipated change.

You’ll meet our teachers, learn the rationale for a bioenergetic approach, and take away practices that will help you feel more alive. In addition, we'll introduce you to our upcoming six-session group program that explores and practices these skills in greater depth. This three-hour experiential online workshop introduces the skills learned in bioenergetic analysis to support resilience and adaptability.

Our Leaders:

Susan Kanor, MA, bioenergetic therapist, IIBA International Trainer

Ann Coleman, MSW, bioenergetic therapist and local trainer

Leslie Ann Costello, PhD, bioenergetic therapist, trainer, and author of Somatic Tools for Perinatal Therapists

Adela Gorodzinsky, M.Ed, bioenergetic therapist and practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique

David Jordan, LCPC, CCSM, Zen teacher and bioenergetic therapist

Carol Melnick, MSW, bioenergetic therapist and EMDR specialist

Stephanie Shelley, LICSW, bioenergetic therapist and attachment specialist

Laurie Ure, LICSW, bioenergetic therapist, trainer, author of What's the Use?: A Body/Mind Journey from the Despair of Depression to Living with Vitality

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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