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A Book Reading Discussion on "Joy - The Surrender to the Body and Life." by Alexander Lowen

  • 20 Aug 2021
  • Zoom

The Alexander Lowen Foundation has announced "The Lowen Book Club", celebrating Alexander Lowen's 14 formative original title books that helped shape the psychotherapeutic world over the past 70 years. They were groundbreaking in their vision and scope when they were first published and they remain relevant, important, and state-of-the-art for this 21st Century.

Lowen's books were translated and are published all around the world in more than a dozen languages. Each bi-monthly book club feature will include excerpts from one of the books, special discounts, discussions, and online events. Join now at no cost .

The first feature is "Joy - The Surrender to the Body and to Life"

A healthy, joyful and fulfilling life is possible when the body and mind work together and do not fight each other. This is the underlying concept of the book Joy, which reflects the five decades of clinical work and research, in which Dr. Alexander Lowen developed his innovative therapeutic approach, Bioenergetic Analysis.

Joy is available in English, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese. And coming soon in Greek, Russian, and Spanish!

Read excerpts from the book, a guest review of the book by Iris Argeband, and join us on August 20th, 2021, for a special live event with Frederic Lowen and Yaniv Gafner discussing the important concepts in the book and answering your questions.

Join now to submit your questions and receive a special discount at the Foundation's online store.

All info at

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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