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Free Introduction to the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®)

  • 22 Jan 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Online

Free Introduction to the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®)

Presented By:Brad Kammer, LMFT, LPCC


We are committed to playing our part in supporting the Trauma-Informed movement, and we want to make our Introduction to NARM Webinar available at no cost to you. You will learn an overview of developmental trauma from a NARM perspective, the distinction between shock and developmental trauma, NARM’s five early adaptive survival styles, their corresponding identity distortions, & how they affect adult life, and more. Join us on January 22nd, 2020 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm PST!

Presenter Bio:

Brad Kammer, LMFT, LPCC, SEP, NMT is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Professional Clinical Counselor. Brad is trained as a Somatic Psychotherapist and has studied under and taught with his mentor Dr. Laurence Heller for many years, and is deeply inspired by the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM). Brad is a NARM Master Therapist, Consultant, and Faculty Trainer, teaching NARM and working with complex trauma internationally. Brad is also a Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner, Consultant and Faculty Trainer, and has been involved in bringing SE to various communities around the world. Brad began his career as a Humanitarian Aid Worker in Asia which introduced him to personal and collective trauma. He became passionate about supporting individuals and communities in the transformation of trauma. Brad has since focused his work on the integration of Somatic Psychology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and wisdom from Spiritual Traditions and Traditional Cultures. Brad lives in a small town in Northern California with his family where he is a Somatic Psychotherapist, College Professor, Trauma Consultant, and Community Educator on Body-Mind approaches to Stress, Trauma & Self-Care.


Jan 22, 2020 11:00 AM


Jan 22, 2020 12:30 PM


The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM™) is a powerful theoretical and clinical model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma. There are currently very few therapeutic approaches designed specifically to address Complex Trauma (C-PTSD). With the growing recognition of the ACEs Study, the Trauma-Informed Care movement, and the need for addressing Complex Trauma - including cultural and intergenerational trauma - it is essential for helping professionals to stay in front of this rapidly evolving field.

NARM™ is an ideal training for staying current and deepening your trauma-informed skills. This cutting-edge model targets attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties. These early, unconscious patterns of disconnection deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. Learning how to work simultaneously with these diverse elements is a radical shift that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma. Based on the book by NARM™ Founder Dr. Laurence Heller, Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image and the Capacity for Relationship, NARM™ is geared toward supporting adults, couples and families in building greater capacity for self-regulation and interpersonal connection.

This free online webinar will offer an overview of complex trauma from a refined developmental perspective. While it is geared toward helping professionals working with complex trauma, anyone is welcome and can benefit from the information presented in the webinar. Understanding and being able to work with developmental dynamics is critical for helping our clients, and ourselves, in the healing process. We will look at how one’s life experience presents itself in the context of a complex, psychobiologically-driven relational framework that is often largely unconscious. This framework, laid down by our early attachment experiences, shapes our development, who we are in the world (our Self), and how we relate to others. When one is having difficulty shifting out of old patterns, these implicit dynamics are at play and must be addressed. The NARM approach presents a dynamic model that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma.

Webinar Format:

Differentiating between Shock Trauma (PTSD) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD)

Overview of the NARM™ theoretical and clinical approach to Complex Trauma: Attachment, Relational and Developmental trauma

Lecture and experiential exercises on each of the five Developmental Survival Styles

Introduction to the NARM™ Clinical Protocol: The 4 Pillars

Video demonstration of Dr. Laurence Heller using the NARM™ approach

Orientation to the NARM™ Practitioner Training Program and other learning opportunities

Q&As and Discussion

This free webinar will be hosted on the Zoom platform. Upon registering for the webinar, the link to attend on January 22nd, 2020 will be sent to your inbox. If you cannot attend live but are interested in accessing replay materials (recorded video and slides), please register ahead of time. You'll automatically be sent the replay materials a few days after the webinar!

Please email us at if you have any questions.


Zoom Platform




This free webinar will be hosted on the Zoom platform. Upon registering for the webinar, the link to attend on January 22nd, 2020 will be sent to your inbox. If you cannot attend live but are interested in accessing replay materials (recorded video and slides), please register ahead of time. You'll automatically be sent the replay materials a few days after the webinar!

Web Link for Registration:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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