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Find Your Joy

  • 10 Aug 2019
  • 9:00 AM
  • 11 Aug 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • Port Townsend, Washington

Find Your Joy ~ with Aylee Welch, LICSW

An Introductory Somatic Psychotherapy Workshop for professionals and people interested in opening their capacity for joy in their life

Saturday & Sunday August 10-11, 2019 Port Townsend, Washington/ space available

Provides 13 1/2 CEU hours through NASW

Saturday 9 am - 6 pm   Sunday 9 am - 4 pm

Space is Limited  in Seattle; Register early for $285.
Full Registration is $325


Traditional psychotherapy works toward congruence in a person’s thinking, emotions, actions, and life choices. Body-oriented therapy understands that the body is also profoundly affected by our life experiences.  Identifying and releasing attitudes and old images held in our physical structure adds an important component to therapy. This promotes lasting change, allowing for free flow of life energy from within us so we can more fully realize our life, our joy.

This experiential workshop will give participants the opportunity to experience the basic premises of Somatic Psychotherapy that originated with Wilhelm Reich and now integrates Core Energetics and contemporary approaches including body-oriented approaches and current neurobiology and trauma therapy. The workshop combines lectures with movement and experiential opportunities. I also bring my understanding of many other practices to employ creativity and spirituality to enhance the journey.

 If you would like to organize a summer workshop in your neck of the woods be sure to let us know!

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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