In this webinar led by Judith Blackstone, PhD, you will learn to bring together embodied psychological and relational healing with non-dual spiritual awakening.
Knowing Ourselves as Embodied Consciousness
Judith Blackstone will introduce the Realization Process and its approach to helping people heal from the effects of trauma. This approach is two-fold: it consists of embodiment practices and a unique method for releasing trauma-based constrictions from the body.
The embodiment practices help deepen our contact with ourselves and our environment. They cultivate sensory and emotional resilience, grounding, self-possession, and self-acceptance. They also uncover the experience of our own nature as a fundamental ground of consciousness, pervading our body and environment as a unity. Because we uncover, rather than create this aspect of ourselves, it feels real. It feels like who we really are. So, it is the basis of a sense of authenticity and spontaneity.
Knowing ourselves as fundamental consciousness also helps to heal attachment difficulties by providing our true boundaries. Because we experience it pervading our own body and other people at the same time, we can enjoy deep contact with other people without losing inward contact with ourselves.
Judith will teach two of the main embodiment practices of the Realization Process and discuss their application to healing from trauma. She will describe how we can utilize our attunement to fundamental consciousness to find the exact pathways of trauma-based constrictions in the body, and release them.
As the embodiment of fundamental consciousness, we open not into the daunting void of nothingness, but into our own underlying wholeness. We gain more inward contact with ourselves, more internal cohesion and integration, and more fluid responsiveness to our environment.
About the Presenter:
Judith Blackstone, PhD, developed the Realization Process, a method of embodied psychological and relational healing and nondual spiritual awakening. She retired from private practice after forty years as a body-oriented psychotherapist, and now teaches the Realization Process world-wide in workshops and teacher certification trainings. She is the author of Trauma and the Unbound Body, Belonging Here, The Enlightenment Process, The Intimate Life, and The Empathic Ground. An audio series of the Realization Process is available from Sounds True. For information on Judith's teaching schedule, visit
Available On Amazon:
Read Judith Blackstone's new book: Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness.
Additional Reading: Belonging Here, by Judith Blackstone.
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