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WEBINAR: Radical Aliveness, the Value of the “non-expert” model for working in a complex world

  • 20 Sep 2018
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar


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Ann Bradney, founder and director of the Radical Aliveness Institute discusses: Radical Aliveness, the Value of the “non-expert” model for working in a complex world.

Every human being is formed in particular ways based on unique experiences including family of origin, culture, religion, class, national origin, etc. These experiences inform the way we perceive the world, make meaning, express our selves, and our physicality. In other words, this is our worldview, and we all have one.

When we work with others without understanding our own worldview, we evaluate them based on what we know. From this place, we can completely misinterpret what we are seeing, misdiagnose, and unintentionally create shame in the client. 

In The Radical Aliveness Philosophy we work with something that we call the “non-expert” model, which for us means, we know we have a worldview. We validate the theories and models that have informed our thinking and are trained to hold them loosely. This allows us to be open to and become more aware of what we may not know, see or understand that is in front of us that needs holding. It creates an open space that encourages the expansion of our awareness and capacity, with the goal to receive the other where they are and not where our theories say they should be. This is in service of healing our clients in the way they let us know they need it. Ultimately this supports our tenant of “do no harm” and the belief of the inherent power and dignity of the human spirit.

Learn more in this upcoming webinar.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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