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Video Training: Using the Body in Psychological Treatment Interventions - USABP Presentation 2018

3 Mar 2020 4:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Presented by Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LPC, CPFT

In this interactive presentation, I would like to review the concept that mind lives in every cell of our body and movement patterns are expressions of mind. By looking at the physiological sciences of hormones, neurotransmitters, brain/locomotor development, anatomy, and physiology we can concretely evaluate postural dysfunction, misalignment, and tension patterns set up by physical or psychological states.

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Note from Dr. Stacy Reuille-Dupont

Jumping off from my first career as an exercise scientist, I found somatic psychology as a way to bridge and treat physical health symptoms at the level of being. Drawing on my dissertation research regarding perception and participation in physical exercise within a clinical mental health population, I found blending Hakomi’s character analysis with locomotor developmental stages unlocked psychological core wounding and allowed for corrective experiences in the “forced mindfulness” of difficult physical challenge.

Beyond traditional therapy, these interventions also treated physical health problems of obesity, chronic pain, chronic disease management, addiction patterns, and others that often have roots in the psyche and are impeding if not distracting from deeper work. The nervous system directs it all. When the nervous system becomes dysregulated as a result of wounding (psychological or physical) the body systems adapt.

These adaptations are brilliant options for the body at the time of pain, however if left unchecked create systemic problems that may lead to chronic disease states, both physical (e.g. diabetes, obesity, pain) and/or psychological (e.g. low self-worth, addiction, stunted personal growth, rigidity in life participation). In our current culture, these adaptations become targets for interventions as independent factions rather than utilizing the intelligence of the whole system. Physical health care often separates itself from mental health due to its cause and effect, tangible nature, however taking a broader approach that includes psychology we treat the problem, not just the symptom. One finds mind present in all forms of body dysfunction from basic building blocks of cellular activity, immune dysfunction, and inflammation patterns to postural deviations as a result of psychological or physical wounding. By honoring the embodiment of personal experiences the body psychotherapist can engage in larger and often discounted conversations about what health is and is not.

In this interactive presentation, I would like to review the concept that mind lives in every cell of our body and movement patterns are expressions of mind. By looking at the physiological sciences of hormones, neurotransmitters, brain/locomotor development, anatomy, and physiology we can concretely evaluate postural dysfunction, misalignment, and tension patterns set up by physical or psychological states. These states often continue psychological distress and influence overall health. Corrective exercise patterns can be used to free not only the physical system, but the emotional body as well creating whole person health.

See the companion article for this video presentation.

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Houston, TX 77055


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