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Homage to David Boadella

21 Mar 2022 1:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

David Boadella passed away November 19, 2021.

Here is an excerpt from the International Body Psychotherapy Journal Spring/Summer 2021 Volume 20

How Biosynthesis Enriched Our Lives
Tribute from Biosynthesis Therapists

We asked the participants of the First International e-Meeting of Biosynthesis Therapists to share how Biosynthesis had enriched their lives. Here are some of their tributes. 

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Biosynthesis brought transformation, clarity, structure, understanding, calm, and wholeness to my life. And a connection among mind, soul, heart, spirit, essence, and body. It supported my journey into therapy and helped me understand the other, not only through academic knowledge but with my heart as well. Thank you, David and Sylvia, from my whole being! Antigone Oreopoulou Greece Biosynthesis brought into my life more mindfulness and centering; it became more structured, as are David’s poems. 

Diana Nikolaishvili
Georgia, Tbilisi 

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Biosynthesis has given me a very deep and global grasp of the way I function, and as a consequence, of the way other people function. It has deepened my spiritual awareness. And mainly, it has moved the tectonic plates of my psychological organization. 

Marilyn Pisante

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Biosynthesis gave me the opportunity to feel that I belong somewhere that embraces my whole being as it is. I feel that Biosynthesis is a community that fits every human being, accepts all feelings, all thoughts, and all differentiation. The community’s field supports its members to develop themselves. 

Stavroula Sofrona

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He is a teacher – he was, in his younger years, also working with the young, learning from them and with them, while he was asked to educate, to teach, to accompany them, through and despite the hardships of their lives…

He is a dancer – he has learned from inspiring teachers himself, about movement(s) and moving, the body and its impulses, the diverse and fine qualities that come with dancing, and living itself…

He is a poet – he loves language and literature, is putting words, creating sentences in a most imaginary way, to express, reach out and touch life and all that comes with it…

He is a scholar – his intellectual scope is huge, his reading profound, his horizons are wide, the agility of his mind just impressive, opening new spaces, again and again…

He is a therapist – “ein Gramm Kontakt ist wichtiger alseine Tonne Energie,” this is what he showed us, this is what we have learned, what we can keep in mind, wherever we are going, whatever we are doing…

He is a citizen of the world – he never restricts himself to a national or social ground, he welcomes everybody from everywhere, welcomes learning from others, from other histories, other cultures, other countries.

He is just a great spirit, he is just – and he is human.

David, I am deeply grateful for all I could learn, witness and share with you. With love, Susanne.

Susanne Maurer

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I come from a multidisciplinary educational background. Different psychotherapy approaches led me to the Biosynthesis Centre, where early on I understood it was the missing piece of the puzzle for me, the one that made the picture whole, that made sense, that was missing from the other approaches I had known. It helped me bridge the gap between what my mind was thinking and what my body was telling me, and had told me throughout my life! I felt at home studying there, combining all the knowledge I had gained, connecting to my core truth, to benevolent colleagues, and to the higher purpose of life – that is, to give and receive help while enjoying the path in parallel. Thank you, David and Silvia, for creating this system that holds us all, excludes nothing and no one! 

Sofia Koukidou

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Biosynthesis helped to bloom the Sonia that was hidden in a tangle of standards, fear of expanding, insecurities, and lack of trust in herself. To experience a deep therapeutic process in the Biosynthesis approach, to do the training, to participate in many meetings in Heiden allowed me to further integrate my multiple layers, find my place in the world, find the meaning of my existence, make contact with my qualities, and let me express them in my personal life in my work as a psychotherapist and as a member of Centro de Biossíntese da Bahia. My deep gratitude for being a part of this family. Special thanks to Eunice, David, and Silvia. 

Sonia Souza Coutinho

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Biosynthesis brought me to my center and saw me in my inner power as a person. It saw Me!!!! 

Supriti Zanna Mantzorou

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A dynamic trajectory that gives new perspectives and shape to life. 

Penny Zikou

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Biosynthesis gave me a profound understanding of healing and helped me personally transcend some difficult history, reaching back to prenatal and perinatal life. It enabled me to gain strength, confidence, and a deep, growing trust in my own inner ground! As David used to say, “There is always fire beneath the ashes!” 

Carine Nussbaumer

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Meeting David has brought my life full circle. Coming from the Elsa Gindler tradition, it was an enormous enrichment to get to know David and his work, and to unite these two paths for my own unfolding and for the benefit of my patients. I am very grateful to be part of the Biosynthesis community. 


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Biosynthesis came into my life as a gift from heaven. It gave my life a direction, and taught me to accompany fellow humans in their journey towards healing with deep respect, gentleness, and a holistic understanding of each individual’s precious being. It has been my honor to have had the chance to meet David, feel the amazing quality of his presence, and witness his art as a therapist. 

Marina Chandoutis

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Biosynthesis has enriched my life on many levels. On the deepest level, it has helped me connect with hope, and ground in trust of life. It has helped me in my everyday life to reconnect with my own hope when patients, clients, or loved ones lose their ground. Thank you to David and Silvia and the whole community for creating and keeping alive a method that resonates with the soul of life at its deepest. 

Paz Cardín

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The Belonging…

The earth has dried, and the daisies have long since withered
on the zipper of your green cardigan.
The sun, a faded spot on the horizon,
like the look of your eyes…
The scared body lies, torn to pieces, on the altar
of genetic belonging, losing its essence,
while the naked soul seeks to find a place to live…
It seeks a united body, with rhythm and continuity,
solid and airy at the same time,
with a heart that beats fiercely and
hands that open like wings to embrace it.
It seeks belonging away from biological family toward a family that nourishes
the healthy belonging to You, as body, soul and entity.

Eudokia Katsiana

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Your Trauma Narrative
Is important.

It will be
The window
You enter

In order to
Start the journey
Of recovery.


This is only
The beginning.

Trauma is more about
What happened
Inside you

When you had to
Fight or Flight.

The impulses for
A healthy corrective

Are latent in
Your Body

Just waiting
For you
To show up

With a
Curious Compassion

Who has walked
Her own way

And can shine
The light

To show you reconnection.


You become your own light
You become your own regulator
You become your own saviour

You become


© Attracta Gill

David Boadella (1931 - 2021), B.A., M.Ed., D.Sc.hon., Psychotherapist SPV, UKCP and ECP.

Studied education, psychology and literature. Trained in character- analytic vegetotherapy. Founder of Biosynthesis. Since 1985 he has undergone ongoing further training in “Psychosomatic Centering” (Robert Moore, Denmark). He has spent over 40 years in psychotherapeutic practice. He holds lectures worldwide, and is the author of numerous books and articles. In 1995 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the “Open International University of Complementary Medicine” for his pioneering work in the development and promotion of Energy & Character, as well as for his contributions to social sciences in this context.

A selection of David Boadella’s books: “Befreite Lebensenergie/ Lifestreams” (Kösel / Routledge), “Wilhelm Reich: The evolution of his work” (Arkana).

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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