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Organic Intelligence®
Training in Post-Trauma Growth

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Organic Intelligence® (OI™) brings a necessary shift to the understanding of healing and lasting change. Grounded in the science of positive reinforcement, clinical psychology, meditative practice, and compassion, the OI paradigm maps out the intricacies of healing and growth at an experiential level uncommon in the therapeutic world. Rather than “processing” trauma or the past, 

Organic Intelligence trains its members how to increase processing capacity at the source: the human neurobiology. By using OI’s clear step-by-step trajectory, clients enter a learning, relating, and problem solving mode, easily facing what before was overwhelming. They become less drawn into the strange attractor of trauma and instead find themselves with a new vision of Post-Trauma Growth (PTG).

The OI Trajectory is a carefully sequenced set of science-backed OI original courses in Post-Trauma Growth. This sequence empowers members’ growth from beginning practitioner to instructor level. OI members steep in methods that catalyze the biology’s organic tendency to grow bandwidth. Advancing in the OI Trajectory, members train to work with increasingly complex client 

Where to Begin: 

Personal Integration: The End of Trauma Course
How healing happens, in harmony with nature and your biology.

Professional Advancement: OI Coach Certification Program
Add science-based somatic skills in Post-Trauma Growth.

Because the World’s Needs are Great
Organic Intelligence training is open to anyone wishing to hone their natural compassion into mindful, wholesome, and sustainable practice—personally or professionally. The OI Community is an ever more diverse, global learning community, representing over 100 countries and dedicated to mindful and compassionate healing–while undertaking enjoyable and rigorous training. The training in and embodiment of these ideals finds expression in compassionate action, born of the commitment to virtue and justice.

The End of Trauma™ Course (EOTC) for Personal Post-Trauma Growth

Over 1000 lives have been changed by beginning their OI journey in the End of Trauma Course (EOTC). EOTC is a 10-week online course that makes Post-Trauma Growth simple to understand and easy to experience. Turn from stress and overwhelm with 10 weeks of daily support and enjoy a lifetime of Post-Trauma Growth.  (No prerequisites; 16 CEUs available.)

“This course has been profoundly meaningful and life changing in subtle and powerful ways. It has given me a deep experiential awareness of how my biology works. I have felt my system gradually grow more resilient, oriented and compassionate. I can already see changes both big and small in my relationship to myself and my personal and professional relationships. I have felt hugely supported throughout the course by the OI team and have also thoroughly enjoyed the online nature of it, which allows me to do the course at my pace. I have found that hugely liberating and empowering!" 

—Christine M., EOTC Member

The OI Coach Certification Program (OICC)

The 200-hour OI Coach Certification program provides one year of intensive training in the clinical basics of Organic Intelligence. Learn the skills that catalyze Post-Trauma Growth. Safely. Become a Certified OI Coach and work confidently and competently, without the risk of burnout or trauma. Members receive a free profile listing the the OI Post-Trauma Growth Directory. (No prerequisite)

Science Matters

For a more detailed and science-focused overview of the Organic Intelligence clinical approach, download this peer-reviewed article by Steven Hoskinson and Bach Ho, PhD from the International Body Psychotherapy Journal at

About Organic Intelligence Founder, Steven Hoskinson:

Steven Hoskinson is an author and teacher in Post-Trauma Growth. He founded Organic Intelligence® (OI™) and has trained thousands of therapists, coaches and other helping professionals worldwide. Steve is Adjunct Faculty for the JFK School of Psychology at National University, a founding member of the Northern California Society for Integrative Mental Health, the International Transformational Resilience Coalition, Advisory Board Member for The Trauma Foundation, former Senior International Instructor for the SE® Trauma Institute, and has presented at professional conferences worldwide. Dedicated to empowering healers and teachers, he has created a host of learning environments for Post-Trauma Growth, including the OI Coach Certification program, the End of Trauma™ Course for personal resilience, and The End of Trauma Podcast.

Mission Statement: Empowering Compassion

Our Mission is to mentor, train, empower and collaborate. Organic Intelligence invokes the natural, largely untapped capacity for healing, virtue and improved performance. The resulting emergence of kindness, wisdom and insight guides our community towards caring for all life on the planet.

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USABP purpose

We believe that integration of the body and mind is essential to effective psychotherapeutic health. To that end, we develop and advance the art, science, and practice of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology in a professional, ethical, and caring manner in order to support our membership as they promote the health and welfare of their clients.”

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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