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Dedicated to the science of orgonomy and the work of Wilhelm Reich

About the IOS

The Institute for Orgonomic Science (IOS) was incorporated in September 1982 as a non-profit organization. It serves as an educational and scientific organization, conducting regular seminars by psychiatric orgone therapists, scientists, and other professionals for discussion of clinical and scientific matters.

It is responsible for the publication of the Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science. This journal functions to provide information to the public concerning relevant clinical issues in psychiatric orgone therapy, as well as reports of experimental studies of bions, the Reich blood tests, and of biological and physical effects of the orgone energy accumulator and the medical DOR-buster.

The IOS is also involved in the training of qualified mental health professionals who are interested in becoming psychiatric orgone therapists, and provides occasional lectures and symposia on various orgonomic topics.

Training in Orgonomic Therapy

The Institute for Orgonomic Science (IOS) offers training in orgonomic therapy to qualified individuals worldwide. In the United States, orgonomic training is available on the East and West coasts, and in Europe in selected countries. Individual treatment and supervision are adjusted according to the trainee’s location, with some courses and training sessions conducted by video conferencing.

Application is open to individuals who have completed a graduate level clinical degree program in medicine, psychology, counseling, nursing, or clinical social work. Applicants must also have had a minimum of one year of post-graduate clinical experience in a psychiatric setting. They must be licensed, or eligible for licensing, according to regulations that apply in their locality. Applicants for this program must undergo therapy with an approved orgone therapist or have completed a full course of treatment with a qualified therapist.

If you desire to apply for training or would like more information regarding training opportunities in your area, please contact the IOS. A member of the training committee will be informed of your interest and will get back to you.

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USABP purpose

We believe that integration of the body and mind is essential to effective psychotherapeutic health. To that end, we develop and advance the art, science, and practice of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology in a professional, ethical, and caring manner in order to support our membership as they promote the health and welfare of their clients.”

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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